The Eggs Benedict Burger is a Real Thing

It’s called the Eggs Benedict Burger, and it’s what happens when you want an eggs benedict, the portability of a hamburger and the lack of Canadian Bacon — all in one dish.

The creation comes by way of food blogger Nick, the same burger fiend who pieced together edibles like the Cinnaburger and the Lasagna Burger. While the swapping out of Canadian bacon for a half pound burger patty isn’t necessarily breaking any grounds, the flavors presented by pairing an English muffin, the patty, a poached egg and Hollandaise sauce are still notable enough to be recognized.

Food hacking, the idea of taking known food combinations and skewing them to your liking has never been more prominent than today. How would you alter this Eggs Benedict Burger to make it your own?

[Via DudeFoods]

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