TGI Fridays Thinks Ribs Don’t Have Enough Pork, Covers Them in Bacon
TGI Fridays released a commercial Tuesday promoting their new Rib Flight Trio special.
Casually sprinkled within this commercial are some bacon-crusted ribs. BACON-CRUSTED RIBS. For some completely unfathomable reason, they didn’t make these ribs the main attraction of the video. I guess pork slapped on top of pork isn’t a big deal to them.
So, the other four baby back ribs flavors featured in the video are pretty standard. They offer their Chipotle, sweet Memphis Rub, Tennessee BBQ and Jack Daniel’s BBQ ribs. Those are all cool and probably delicious, but can we please talk more about the Applewood Bacon-Crusted freaking baby back ribs?
These ribs have chopped up pieces of bacon covering every square inch of the baby back rib!
Anyway, the Rib Flight Trio special allows you to try up to three of the different flavors at once for $10. We just need to try the one, thanks.