Testing the SodaStream With Milk, Whiskey and Coffee [VIDEO]

We get a fair amount of cool products coming through our office every week (nod to our busy Content Director), but of recent memory, one of the most useful things we were blessed with is the SodaStream.

For those unfamiliar, the SodaStream is a home carbonation system, allowing you to create your own soda in minutes, and subsequently save tons of money on those expensive soda-drinking addictions, as well as helping the environment by saving on bottles.

The idea of being able to create carbonation is a rush — and we quickly had to test the boundaries of the product. We’ll let the video do the talking, but rest assured we didn’t read instructions, and we tried our hands at carbonating milk, whiskey and coffee. Here’s how it turned out:

In short, the item is definitely more than a novelty act, and we’ve used it properly for almost a solid few weeks since its addition to our office. For those looking to save a bit of money on their soda drinking habits, and simply find joy in carbonating and blending flavors, SodaStream comes well recommended by our team.

The version you see in our video is the “Genesis” model, and can be found on Amazon for $99.95. There are cheaper models, and some a bit more expensive — in total, they offer a range of 7 different home soda making kits to fit different lifestyles and home furnishings.

If someone can carbonate coffee correctly, please share your secret. Ours was terrible —

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