Teen’s Death From Consuming Too Much To Caffeine Is A Warning To Us All

I know that caffeine is something that fuels a lot of us in this modern day and age, but you have to make sure to monitor and limit your intake of this substance. You don’t wanna end up like this teenager.
South Carolina high school sophomore Davis Cripe collapsed in the middle of class about a month ago and passed away at a local hospital. After a detailed autopsy, Richland County Coroner Gary Watts attributed Cripe’s death to a massive overdose of caffeine after the teenager consumed a large diet Mountain Dew, a latte, and an energy drink within two hours before he collapsed at school due to a “cardiac event.”
“It was so much caffeine at the time of his death, that it caused his arrhythmia,” Watts told WYFF 4 News.
Caffeine overdoses are definitely an issue in the United States, where caffeine sends 20,000 patients to the hospital per year, according to CBS News medical contributor Dr. David Agus. Based on our love of coffee and energy drinks to power us through a regular day, it’s pretty clear why this can happen.
Hopefully, Davis Cripe’s death sends out a message to everyone to be wary and cautious when consuming caffeine. Cripe’s father, Sean, gave his own two cents on what parents should do in light of his son’s tragic passing.
“Parents, please talk to your kids about the dangers of these energy drinks.”