The Taco Emoji Is Actually Happening

It’s that time of year where Apple reveals a slew of new goodies for its iFanboys to enjoy.
While all the new gadgets and gizmos will appease the public, the Apple news that really matters is that the iOS 9.1 update will include a taco, burrito, popcorn, hot dog and cheese emoji.
According to The Next Web, developers got their hands on the 9.1 update and revealed the upcoming emoji through screen shots.
Back in June, we learned that the taco emoji was actually developed and added to “Unicode,” which essentially meant the emoji existed, but couldn’t be used until mobile devices incorporated it.
Taco Bell has been leading the fight for a Taco Emoji for a while, and in June, PR Newsroom Manager at Taco Bell, Matt Prince told Foodbeast:
“Unicode Consortium’s approval of the Taco Emoji brings us one step closer to filling a void in the hearts and keyboards of taco lovers everywhere.”
Unfortunately, the upcoming iOS update will only be iOS 9, so iPhone users will have to wait a bit until iOS 9.1 comes out and they can use their beautiful meat-filled tortilla in messages.
h/t eater, picthx Next Web