Taco Bell Currently Offering $28 Promo on Its App

Last week, Scott Martin, a financial expert, appeared on Nick Cavuto’s Fox Business show to blame inflation for his $28 meal at Taco Bell. Twitter was quick to react and roast, as many questioned why any one person would ever spend that much on one meal at the fast food chain.

Taco Bell, always one to keep things light and playful in its marketing, took advantage of the viral moment and fired off the above tweet.

However, Taco Bell took things to another level by currently offering on their app a $28 promotion, asking, “What’s your $28 lunch order?” The promotion offers to take 20% off your next order, up to $10, if you spend $28 on your lunch from the hours of 11am to 2pm.

The new tongue in cheek promotion is good from October 18 to October 23 and is only available on the Taco Bell app.

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