Sweetgreen Called Out For Allegedly Stealing Kale-Inspired Camo Merch Concept

Things aren’t looking too sweet for fast casual-chain Sweetgreen. It’s under fire after being called out for allegedly stealing an idea from streetwear brand Market Studios. A post shared by the streetwear brand reveals a 2023 email exchange between the two, where Market Studios proposed a merch concept that cleverly incorporates the shape of kale and arugula leaves into a camo-print design. Market Studios also provided screenshots of the Google Slides presentation showing mock-ups of how the leafy camo would look on various items and apparel.
According to the brand, after pitching the genius idea to Sweetgreen, it never received a response. So, Market Studios moved on, thinking the chain decided to pass on the concept. Pitching ideas to brands is common; they either get accepted or not. Fast forward a year, Sweetgreen suddenly decides to release a new kale-camo line of merch, except without Market Studios’ involvement.
Market Studios caught wind of it, and naturally, wasn’t very happy about the situation. The brand then decided to call Sweetgreen out for not compensating it for the idea. Kale-camo is far too unique of an idea to simply pass off as original, especially if the idea came from someone else.
This is a tough look for Sweetgreen, especially in an era where it’s not only easier than ever to credit someone for their work, but it is encouraged.