Superpowers Do Exist: 25% to 30% of Drinkers Are Immune to Hangovers

Hangovers are awful, awful facts of life that result from one two many vodka spritzers paired with several shots of Jameson for good measure. The next day, it feels like a big rig and jet plane hooked up and left the light on inside your head. Everything’s too bright, pounding and is that a half-eaten cheeseburger you’re using as a pillow?!

Then, there’s the lucky 25% to 30% of drinkers who are immune to these ghastly experiences. Their bodies are able to quickly detoxify alcohol, acetaldehyde, and congeners at a abnormal rate that makes them immune to ever feeling the nasty effects of over indulging the night before.

We think this superpower is right up there next to being able to shoot lightning bolts from the sky and being Bill Clinton.

For the rest of us simple creatures, we’ll have to stick to coffee, water and sleep as our go-to hangover remedy.

H/T Reddit + PicThx Seocret Santa

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