Suddenly, Eating Your Veggies Ain’t So Bad: Sriracha Peas


This should have been done decades ago. I mean, Hapi already has those delectable Wasabi Peas. And while most of us are almost sort of mature enough to choke down our veggies without too much cajoling (because we feel guilty about eating that third cookie otherwise), it’d still be easier if we coated all those green things in the red-colored gold that is chili-garlic Sriracha.

It is worth noting, however, that Hapi’s Spicy Sriracha Peas don’t actually appear to be endorsed, or indeed, even dunked in, the OG red-and-green cock sauce. So. You take the good with the bad.

Still, if Hapi’s stuff fall’s a little short, you can always make your own Sriracha. Just . . . don’t forget the peas. Because, you know . . . health. Or whatever.

Spicy Sriracha Peas $7 @Amazon

PicThx Peck the Beak

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