Subway’s ‘Fake Chicken’ News Is Good For Fast Food [The Katchup Podcast]

Just when Subway was seemingly done with on major controversy, another one seems to hit them out of nowhere.
For those of you that missed out on the news, a Canadian investigative show found that only 50% of the DNA in Subway Canada’s chicken was… well, chicken. It triggered a wave of news articles that interpreted it as meaning that only half of Subway’s chicken was real chicken (which isn’t true at all).
What does this mean for the franchise, its transparency, and its brand image?
We dive deep into this discussion during this week’s episode of The Katchup, Foodbeast’s podcast that gets as real as possible on the latest food trends and news stories of the past week. Joined by Fast Food Maven Nancy Luna of the Orange County Register and UPROXX Media managing editor Steve Bramucci, Foodbeast Editor-In-Chief Elie Ayrouth and myself tackled the massive controversy regarding Subway’s chicken that rocked the Internet the past week.
We look into how Subway handled this massive food news incident and compare it to those in the past. The conversation also led us to look at other companies that have had or still have bad reputations, like Chipotle and Jack in the Box following their respective notorious food-borne illness outbreaks, and compare how each chain has handled itself in those situations.
Do these fast food companies and others do a good job at being transparent with their consumers? Do they handle negative press well? Are they heading in the right direction?
We answer those as best as we can in this podcast, so if you want to hear what we think about all this, make sure to listen to this week’s episode.