Study Suggests You’re Likely To Die Younger If You Don’t Drink Alcohol

A study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research found that, for reasons not entirely clear, mortality rates for people who abstain from alcohol are higher than for heavy drinkers, and moderate drinkers (one to three drinks a day) have the lowest mortality rates of all

The controlled study, led by Charles Holahan of the University of Texas at Austin, covered 1,824 individuals between the ages of 55 and 65 over the course of 20 years, and took into account socioeconomic status and levels of physical activity. Only 41% of the participants who were moderate drinkers died prematurely, compared to the 69% of non-drinkers who died prematurely. Heavy drinkers fared better with a 61% mortality rate. It turns out, having a drink once in a while is better for you than staying sober.

According to Business Insider, “A possible explanation for this is that alcohol can be a great social lubricant, and strong social networks are essential for maintaining mental and physical health.” Unwinding once in a while lowers stress, while non-drinkers actually show greater signs of depression. The benefits of having a glass of red once in a while can’t be denied.

Thanks to science, we can toast to our health one to three times a day and live longer for it.

Written by Max Chang of NextShark

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