Study Finds That America’s Top Pie Choice For 2024 Is Apple Pie
When Don McClean wrote the song “American Pie,” he may not have been referring to actual apple pie, but according to Holiday Calendar, it’s America’s top pick for 2024. Holiday Calendar is a platform dedicated to all things festive and in honor of National Pie Day, January 23, it decided to find out which pie Americans love most.
To find out what pie is really in the sky, Holiday Calendar analyzed trends from each state over the last 12 months and found that apple pie, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie are the top three. Apple Pie took the crown in a landslide and captured the top spot in 43 states, with Maine as the ultimate apple pie lover destination. Pumpkin Pie only led in six states, while pecan was the favorite in just two.
Here’s the top five of America’s favorite pies:
- Apple pie
- Pumpkin pie
- Pecan pie
- Key lime pie
- Sweet Potato pie
This map of the U.S. reveals each state’s favorite slice. It’s interesting to see how the states that love pumpkin pie are adjacent, and the same for Louisiana and Mississippi, where pecan holds the crown. However you slice it, there’s no day better than National Pie Day to enjoy this iconic treat.