Never Scrub Your Stovetop Again With This Cleaning Method [WATCH]
Everyone has their own methods to cleaning stovetop parts, but they’re often grueling, or inefficient.
There is a pretty clever method that does require some overnight patience, but will leave your stove burners looking new, without the struggle of intense scrubbing.
By simply putting your burners in a Ziploc bag and filling them with clear ammonia, you can watch weeks, even months-worth of grease fall off overnight.
The next morning, you just put a little dish soap on a sponge and gently wipe away any residue.
Of course, scrubbing like crazy works, too, but might as well save yourself the carpal tunnel.
If you’re a fan of cleaning obscure kitchen parts in drastically easier ways, check out the quick tutorial from DIY Super Mom below, and keep that stove clean: