MAC ON TAP: Stouffer’s Unveils Mac & Cheese Tap Pour Prototype

At bars and convenience stores alike, you can find some interesting things on tap beyond beer and wine. Kombucha, nacho cheese, and chili are just some of the dispensers out there today.
Stouffer’s has made an addition to that lineup of out-there food dispensing gadgets with a tap that pours mac & cheese on anything you can imagine.

The gadget appears to be in its final phases of testing and perfecting, but Stouffer’s has built one out that they’re ready to share with the masses. How they manage to get the pressure to dispense creamy, rich mac and cheese, I don’t know, but to be able to pour out something that viscous from a dispenser is quite impressive.
Stouffer’s has yet to announce where they will be rolling this device out at, instead calling on folks to let them know on social media where they should set one of these mac and cheese “taps” up at.
This is still a prototype that hasn’t been fully unveiled, so we don’t know exactly how viable it is yet. However, if it lives up to the hype, hopefully there’s an eventual at-home purchase option too. I could see myself smothering many a food item with some custom mac if possible.