State of Washington Issues Four Loko Ban
While many lobbyists are preaching for a ban on the federal level, the bans against the sale of Four Loko and similar caffeinated malt liquor drinks are seeing fruition on the state level. According to a report out of ABC News, Michigan’s liquor control commission has banned the retail sale of all alcoholic energy drinks statewide. The ban will take effect on November 18th.
The drink itself has become somewhat of a phenomenon, raising immediately poignant and interesting discussions. Is the drink itself that dangerous, or are some of the users making it out to be way worse than it actually is? Haven’t college kids been blacking out and consuming excess amounts of alcohol for years? Is it just now that certain universities and anti-Loko groups have found a drink to blame?
Yes, we are one of those media outlets that pushes the relative “craziness” of this Alcoholic Energy Drink, especially with our last report, “Four Loko Turns Young Man Into a Naked Burglar“. The fruity malt liquor runs about 12 percent alcohol per can, with the obvious addition of caffeine, but my question is, haven’t we been drinking Vodka Redbulls for years? What about those tequila shots to get the night going. What do you guys think?