Starbucks Is Tired Of People Watching Porn On Their WiFi

Last week, McDonald’s cracked down on customers using their WiFi to download and watch pornography. Porn’s a big “no no” when it comes to the family-friendly burger chain. Well, another popular chain, known for free WiFi, will also implement a porn block.
Starbucks has announced that they’ll no longer allow their customers to stream pornography through their network.
The coffee company intends to place filters on their Internet service to prevent customers from watching adult entertainment. Groups Enough is Enough and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation asked the restaurant chain to block the content for fear of kids trying to get on.
Starbucks agreed, once they figure out a way to implement the filters without hindering the customers’ WiFi experience.
Donna Hughes, president of Enough Is Enough, calls Internet pornography a public health crisis. She also mentions news reports of public WiFi spots being used in trafficking child pornography thanks to the anonymity of open WiFi.