Starbucks Tests Out Trippy Skype-Style Ordering

Drive-thrus have revolutionized the way we can grab food or drinks on-the-go. However, the whole impersonal thing might bother some people, which is why Starbucks recently took steps towards a more personal drive-thru experience with video chat ordering.
At a few select test locations in Washington and Nevada, customers are greeted by a video of the barista taking orders inside, which is pretty cool. Although, to be more specific, it’s a “disembodied moving head” while “high-res ads of Starbucks drinks dance underneath the video chat screen.” Oh.
We’ve gotta applaud the coffee empire for catering to our emotional needs. Yet when a caffeine-hungry, super tired driver pulls up to the glowing screen and is greeted by an impromptu Skype sesh, that could make for a really trippy situation.
H/T HuffPo