Starbucks Is FINALLY Testing Out Coffee Ice Cubes In Some Stores

You know what the worst part about iced coffee is, especially at places like Starbucks? The bucketload of ice that gets shoveled into your drink, diluting the coffee and lowering the flavor that you get as a result. At home, that’s easy to fix, since you can DIY some coffee ice cubes to keep the coffee taste strong.
Starbucks has apparently caught onto that, since they’re now testing coffee ice cubes out in some stores. According to Starbucks barista/Reddit user owlcitizen44, the ice already comes to coffee shops pre-made, and baristas just have to break it apart into chunks to put into coffee for each order. The coffee ice does also come with an 80 cent up-charge, apparently.
PopSugar did reach out to a Starbucks representative and confirmed that the coffee ice is being tested out in 100 locations in Baltimore and St. Louis for a limited time, and the coffee ice can be added to any espresso or brewed coffee beverage.
Apparently, it does loads to help the flavor out, as the aforementioned Starbucks barista used them to make a white mocha frappuccino and described the taste as “stronger” and “a lot smoother.”
Looks like we have our first “secret menu” hack to try these coffee ice cubes out on if they eventually do make it out to all Starbucks stores nationwide.