Starbucks Offering Rewards for Foursquare Checkins on 3/10/2011

Starbucks‘ 40th anniversary celebration kicks off today with the coffee giant randomly awarding $40 gift cards to customers who check in to their locations using Foursquare today. 500 such gift cards are in motion for the 24 hour period which started this morning and runs until 11:59:59 p.m. PT.

The promotion gives Foursquare users the ability to unlock a “Tribute Badge” at participating Starbucks locations, if luck swings their way. Consumers also have the option of entering the promotion via e-mail simply by sending a message with the subject line “Starbucks Foursquare Entry Submission” to [email protected]. According to the legal copy on the Starbucks website, winners will be drawn and notified “on or about March 18th”.

Starbucks has notably linked up with Foursquare before, offering discounts to mayors of various stores. This current promotion more closely ties in with their 40th anniversary overhaul, including ad campaign and new Starbucks logo.

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