Star Wars Chop Sabers

Chopsticks fashioned after the most memorable of Jedi weaponry. While the chopsticks don’t light up or slice human flesh effortlessly, they are indeed fully licensed from Lucasfilm and are imported from Japan in six available styles. 23 cm long Luke Skywalker style comes in both green and blue. The Darth Maul red Chop Sabers are also 23 cm long, and they have the ability to snap together. Darth Vader’s version is also red, running a simiar 23 cm long, while Mace Windu’s piece is a purple color. The best part about the entire set, Yoda’s green version is 3 cm shorter than the rest of the bunch. Oh Star Wars…you managed to squeeze yourself into my Asian cuisine too. *sigh* ($12.99 @ ThinkGeek)

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