Spreadable ‘Beer Butter’ Comes in Dark and Blonde Ale Spreads


The problem with beer is it just makes you feel so damn full when you’re done with it, but new “beer butter” from Italy could solve that little dilemma, not to mention help make PB&Js interesting again (or at the very least, Instagram-friendly again).

Lifelong friends and co-founders Emanuela Laurenzi of Alta Quota Brewery and Pietro Napoleone of Napopeone Chocolate Makers in Cittareale have combined their expertise to create “spreadable beer.” Available in both “Omid Dark” and “Greta Blonde,” Birra Spalmable can now be purchased online through Selfridges, so it’s only a matter of weeks before you’ll be sucking down craft beer butter and jelly sandwiches and pairing them with actual craft beers. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Birra Spamabile: £7.99 or $12.38 @ Selfridges

H/T Bloomberg + PicThx Selfridges

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