A Former ‘Subway’ Worker Explains Why You Should Be Nice To Fast Food Employees In A Hilarious Animated Video

Earlier last year, YouTuber theodd1sout comic won over the Internet with his charming animated rants about working at Sooubway, a parody of what we can pretty safely assume is sandwich franchise Subway.
In the first episode he talked about all of his experiences while on the job, which included the mistakes he made and the hilarious adventures he had while on the clock. In the second episode, he recalled the most memorable customer experiences, from the most annoying patrons to the most belligerent ones.
Now, nearly a year later, the third episode has finally dropped. This one recounts both stories of himself while on the job as well as him as a customer going to other Subway locations. The underlying theme of the animated short is to be nice to your local fast food and retail employees regardless of your station in life; they’re the people who handle your food and stay open late to make sure you’re fed.
As a former fast food employee, these stories are all too real.
While he never mentions Subway by name, sticking only to the parody, it’s pretty obvious the direction he’s going with it. Check out the hilarious episode above.