So Americans are Twice as Fat Because We Eat Twice as Much? You Don’t Say [INFOGRAPHIC]

A recently released infographic may help you better visualize the fact that even in this post-Super Size Me world, Americans are still eating too damn much.
Comparing U.S. serving sizes today with U.S. sizes 20 years ago reveals that today’s plates have at least doubled and in some cases quadrupled since 1992. Your average bag of movie popcorn back then was only five cups and 270 calories, and have since mutated to the 11 cups and 630 calories we have today. That’s 2000 calories just from sitting through the Dark Knight trilogy alone. Holy Deep Fried Lamb Balls, Batman!
The chart also compares portions between the U.S. and the rest of the world and reports that people gain weight just by moving here, notable cases including a group of Asian young adults who gained five pounds “soon after arriving” as well as a group of Tarahumara Indians from Mexico who gained nearly 10 pounds in five weeks after adopting the American diet.
According to the CDC, obesity rates are projected to rise up to 42% by 2030, up from the current 34%, which is itself an improvement over the 9.7% back in the 1950s.
Here’s to news that will surprise (and change the dietary habits of) exactly no one.
See the whole infographic for yourself here: