Child Accidentally Brings Vodka To School In Epic Lunchbox Fail

We’ve all had those days where we’re in a rush to get ready and make mistakes as a result.

This mistake ended up being a truly hilarious one.

In the rush to get ready to take her daughter to school, an unnamed mom for Queensland, Australia had her five-year-old daughter pick a frozen juice pouch to pack into her lunchbox for school. However, she forgot that there were also frozen pouches of Smirnoff-infused raspberry sorbet in the freezer. As luck would have it, the daughter ended up picking a pouch of the vodka dessert instead of actual juice.

According to the Daily Mail, the woman wrote a post on Facebook about the comical mishap, which she didn’t discover until the child’s teacher called her regarding the Smirnoff.

“Made for a very interesting phone call from the teacher. I apologised for not sending enough for the teachers and they just laughed, thankfully!”

At least the five-year-old didn’t end up consuming the alcohol-infused sorbet. Can you imagine having to deal with a child that’s high on sugar and buzzed on vodka? Yikes.

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