Dining Out For Christmas Dinner? Here’s How To Pair Beer With Chinese Food [INFOGRAPHIC]

It may be the most wonderful time of the year for many, yet not everyone is in the holiday spirit — but we all have to eat (and drink ideally).
Whether you’ve already celebrated Chanukah, don’t celebrate anything at all or have decided your presence is a present you won’t be giving this Christmas, your options for dining out on Dec. 25 could be limited. However, one cuisine you can count on is Chinese.
Elysian Brewing Company has crafted the below handy infographic to help you perfectly pair you Chinese food with their beers. Josh Waldman, Head Brewer at Seattle-based beer maker, explains how each beer style brings out the signature flavors of the food.
However, if you’re planning on having Chinese this Monday (Dec. 25), we suggest picking up your brews this weekend because most stores will still be closed on Monday.