Seth Rogen’s Mouth Shuts Down After Trying This Hot Wing Challenge [WATCH]

The only thing better than watching Seth Rogen be funny, is watching Seth Rogen be funny while his mouth is on fire and barely functioning.
Rogen and Dominic Cooper took a shot at First We Feast’s ‘Hot One’s’ spicy wing challenge and somehow made it through all five wings without passing out. It wasn’t without pain, though, as Rogen said his mouth shut down, while Cooper wanted to quit with one wing left.
Whilst enduring the wings, Rogen talked about almost getting killed by his roommate Martin Starr, mentioned his favorite food in New Orleans, and even renamed a hot sauce, “The Devil’s Semen.”
Cooper, on the other hand, talked about his starring role in Preacher and even shared a memory when he got Tabasco sauce in his eye and had someone lick his eyeball.
Watching Seth Rogen do his nervous laugh while in a spicy panic just might be one of the best things you’ll see this week.