‘Influencer’ Scott Disick Cut + Pasted His Instagram Tea Ad Like A Schmuck

Scott Disick, my personal favorite member of the Kardashian mafia, just put up a shitty ad for a tea brand on his Instagram account. In true Scott Disick barely-giving-a-fuck fashion, he initially copy+pasted the advertising copy he’s inevitably getting paid to shout out:
To be honest, that’s the coolest caption I’ve seen from an “influencer” trying to scam their followers of money with some ridiculous weight loss, metabolism boosting tea. He should have kept it at that, mistake or not — seems pretty on brand to me.
Unfortunately, a few moments ago, his Instagram account has since been corrected, and now reads whatever his assistant/manager/Intern/Mason Disick told him to write:
Oh well Scott — it was fun while it lasted. I hope you were having enjoyable relations with Kourtney Kardashian while you Instagrammed this, it’s the only measurable excuse for you to backtrack on what could have been the coolest paid Instagram shoutout of all time.
Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programming.