Sapore Dei Mobili — Mini Furniture Waffle Mold

Artists Ryosuke Fukusada and Rui Pereira created a ‘furniture pan’ out of a reflective process concerning discourse about the contemporary furniture industry, and the ridiculous amounts of new products launched every year.
As a result, their mini furniture waffle mold brings to life entirely edible furniture, for those with Barbie-sized appetites. The furniture pan essentially mixes both traditional Japanese small cakes ‘baby castella’ with a Portuguese egg based pastry called ‘ovos moles’.”
Interesting commentary on furniture aside, my mind can’t focus on anything but being able to one day sit on a sofa made of waffles. That way, when I wake up from my nap, I can just pull out my bottle of Maple Syrup, pour it on the pillow, and not have to get up to the kitchen for a snack.
Or something like that.
(Via Gizmodo, Sapore Dei Mobili)