Salvador Dali Took An Artistic Approach To Eating Free At Restaurants

In addition to being a world-renowned artist, Salvador Dali was also known to frequently invite lots of friends out to wine and dine. According to Pubity, he’d get a table at some of the most expensive and famous restaurants at the time, but miraculously avoided having to pay the bill for not only him, but his guests, too.
As famous as Dali was then, his fame alone wasn’t enough for all-you-can-eat passes at every fancy restaurant in town. Rather, he employed his skills as an artist to cleverly leave the establishment bill-free. At these dinners, Dali’s friends were encouraged to order as much as they liked — clearly an invite no one would turn down.
After everyone had their fill and it was time to pay, Dali would make a check out to the restaurant, but rather than sign the back, he’d leave a random doodle. The reason he did this is because he knew that the restaurant wouldn’t cash the check with a Salvador Dali drawing on it. Dali’s fine dining hack apparently worked so well that he developed a reputation for it.
Take notes all you up and coming artists out there.