Sacred Seltzer is Made Using Real Holy Water

American art collective, MSCHF, infamous for stirring the pot through incendiary pop culture product collabs, is back with another drop that’s sure to stir said pot into into a whirlpool of, well, mischief.
Introducing Sacred Seltzer, the first hard seltzer that’s made with actual holy water — 95% real holy water to be exact. MSCHF’s website indicates that the holy water was “blessed according to official Catholic procedure on March 31, 2022 in LA County, CA.” Beyond the spiritual details, Sacred Seltzer is also made up of 5% alcohol and comes in three flavors: Mango, Cherry and Lime.
If you’re down for your next hard seltzer sips to be blessed, MSCHF is now selling Sacred Seltzer on their site as a six-pack for $24 for a limited time.