Ruth’s Chris Steak House’s Special Promotion For Michigan Vs. Rutgers Game Is The Epitome Of An Epic Backfire

Over the weekend, the Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Ann Arbor, MI, thought they were pretty fresh coming up with a promotion for the Michigan vs. Rutgers football game this past weekend. The promotion was customers would get a one percent discount for every point Michigan is ahead of Rutgers by the end of the game. That deal would last for an entire week.
What the steak house chain didn’t count on, reports For The Win, was how much Michigan dominated Rutgers by.
This is real life.
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) October 9, 2016
The 78 to 0 final score meant that the restaurant would be giving out 78 percent discounts on all their checks through the next week. For a steak house of that caliber, you bet your sweet ass that’s a loss.
Ruth’s Chris immediately took to social media, clarifying that they had capped their promotion at up to 50 percent along with a few conditions.
Still a solid discount, but not as great as what could have been.
Soon after, Ruth’s Chris posted that the restaurant had been fully booked with reservations throughout the week. Looks like folks were prepared to nab their discounted meals before the rush set in.
Chances are, Ruth’s Chris’ next big promotion will have quite a few more safeguards set before they start blasting promises on social media. At least Michigan had a great game though.