Running Italy Diary: Ciao Italia

Italy has come to pass, but the memories I’ve made will last a lifetime. Yes, a little corny, but it’s true. After being back in the states it really does feel like it was all a dream. It’s as if Venice, Sorrento, Paris and all the other places I’ve seen didn’t exist. Here is the final post I have for my study abroad trip. It’s the last hoorah from Florence, including a little exciting footage about meeting the Jersey Shore, and coverage of Rome.


This is where Caesar was cremated. Even after all this time people still leave flowers and letters here. Our tour guide told us one time he took a letter and all it said was, “Thanks for the salad.” I think it makes for a good story.

McDonald’s just has more class in Italia.

The best McFlurry I’ve ever had.

Sistine Chapel

I think this painting may be pretty famous. Some dude called Michelangelo painted it. It’s called The Creation of Adam, or something like that. But what would I know, I’m just a stupid American after all. 🙂

This picture is here because this kid is obviously on g-status.


Trevi Fountain

Spanish Steps


This picture and a couple of the next are from a cooking class we had the opportunity to do in Florence. We made fresh spinach ravioli, a broccoli side dish and panna cotta. There were some failures, but it worked itself out in the end.

We created a monster.

The chef doing his thang.

The broccoli side dish, I forgot the name.

Our somewhat distorted spinach ravioli tossed with butter and sage.

Panna cotta


During our last week in Florence there was a gelato festival. This is a sample I got of tomato, basil and Parmesan gelato. Not as bad as you would think, but not that good either.

Strawberry and lemon gelato

Nutella and coffee gelato on a waffle, it looks better than how it taste. It’s just too messy and melts everywhere. At least it makes a good picture.

Nutella crepe

It was nice to have “real” ice cream. These Hello Kitty pops were actually pretty good.

A girl can only go so long without her fix of sushi. Sushi in Florence was an experience with its rotating table of assorted raw fish. Too bad I spent way too much on this meal.

This boar statue is the Trevi Foundtain of Florence. If you rub its nose you’re suppose to come back to Florence.

And now what we’ve all been waiting for — Jersey Shore. They were filming the next season in Florence, and I happened to have the opportunity to meet them in a club. I shook hands with Snooki and the Situation, and gave Vinny a hug. I feel like after that I got to see everything Italy had to offer.

My trip to Italy was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. It’s a wonderful country filled with rich culture, food and people. If you ever have the chance to go, go. I left Italy a few pounds heavier, happier, with more friends and memories. This summer is one I’ll never forget.

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