Rollercoaster-Themed Restaurant Serves Food Through…You Guessed It

If you’ve ever been a RollerCoaster Tycoon addict, you’ll probably be familiar with playing through mealtimes just to get your fix. A restaurant in Staffordshire, found in the West Midlands of England, is pretty much a rollercoaster-lovers dream. It also helps that the restaurant is in the middle of a theme park.
Alton Towers, a popular theme park and resort in the UK has a new eatery called, you guessed it, The Rollercoaster Restaurant.
Patrons roll in and order their food through a tablet. Once the order is placed, the food is prepared, placed in a stainless steel pot, secured (because hot soup would be a nightmare) and shot through an impressive network of rollercoaster tracks until it reaches the customers’ table.
Seriously, these tracks go all the way up to the ceilings.
Kind of a dream for any kid who doesn’t want to take a break from roller coaster fun to have lunch or dinner.