New Limited Edition ‘Rick and Morty’ Pringles Arrive At Walmart

Earlier this year, Pringles partnered up with Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty to unveil a special edition Pickle Rick flavor.
Not only is Pickle Rick returning to the chips aisle this summer, but it’s bringing along two new Rick and Morty Pringles flavors.
Honey Mustard Morty and Look At Me! I’m Cheddar & Sour Cream have now joined the Rick and Morty Pringles line-up.
The tangy Honey Mustard features an exclusive Morty design while the Cheddar & Sour Cream is based upon the popular blue character Mr. Meeseeks.
These two new flavors will be joining last year’s Pickle Rick in the new Adult Swim line-up.
You can find the special edition Rick and Morty Pringles chips this September exclusively at Walmart snack aisles and