Restaurant Owner Assigns ‘God’ to Cash Register — Revenues Triple

A Dallas, North Carolina restaurant owner is literally thanking God for increased revenues after adopting a name-your-own-price model for her business.

Dana Parris, the owner of Just Cookin’ restaurant, said her business was slowing and she needed a change. After being stumped as to a solution, Parris told the Gaston Gazette, “He just came to me and said I don’t need to do it, I need to let him do it. The way I could show I was giving God control was to give him control of the cash register.”


Since the change, Parris says profits have tripled. “Sometimes you just have to give control back to God,” Parris said.

NextShark has reached out to JC Penny, Radioshack and Blackberry to see if they plan on adopting God as their new CEOs soon. We’ll update as soon as we have an answer or as soon as they go bankrupt.

 Originally written by Alan Van for NextShark

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