Restaurant Offers Free Food To Liam Neeson And He Actually Showed Up

Apparently, if you offer Liam Neeson a free sandwich when he is in town, he will stop at nothing to find you and take you up on it.
Canadian restaurant Big Star Sandwich Co. learned that the popular actor was shooting scenes for the upcoming film Hard Powder nearby their location in downtown New Westminster, and quickly sprung into action.
In big letters, they wrote “Liam Neeson eats for free” on their sandwich board, along with a reference to Neeson’s cult classic, Taken, on the other side.
Their efforts turned out to be a surprising success, as Neeson actually showed up. Turns out that he only had enough time to snap a picture with the crew there, however, but the gesture was pretty badass.
As a way to say thanks to Liam, Big Star created a featured sandwich called the “Neeson,” which is loaded with a very particular set of ingredients, such as beef, bacon, and fries.
It’s unclear if Neeson has come back yet to eat his namesake, however.