REESE’S® Peanut Butter Cups® Cupcakes

WARNING: If you are allergic to peanuts, do not, I repeat, DO NOT read this recipe. These cupcakes contain so much peanut butter that even skimming the ingredients list will be cause enough to whip out your EpiPen.

If you are not allergic to peanuts; however, then read and make this recipe immediately because, if you rely on the testimony of one of my taste testers, this will be the best thing you have eaten in a month. In the spirit of full disclose, most of my taste testers were poorly-fed and very drunk grad students.

I snagged the cake recipe from the Cake Mix Doctor, the frosting from How to Eat a Cupcake and the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Miniatures from Kroger!

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Cupcakes

Cupcakes (makes 24)

– 1 box yellow cake mix

– 1 1/3c water

– 1/3c creamy PB

– 1/3c oil

– 3 eggs

– 36 Reese’s miniature PB cups, divided


– 8T butter, softened

– 1/2c unsweetened cocoa powder

– 1/2c peanut butter

– 1t vanilla

– 3c powdered sugar, sifted

– 4 to 6T milk

– whatever Reese’s are left from the two 11-ish oz bags you should buy for this recipe.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line your cupcake tins.

2. Unwrap both bags of Reese’s cups and separate out 24 for the cupcakes. Then separate out 12 more and chop those roughly. Then chop up the rest and set those aside for later.

3. Combine ingredients for cake in electric mixer on low for 30 seconds, then on high for 2 minutes.

4. Fill each cupcake liner with 1.5T of batter and press a PB cup into each.

5. Top off each cupcake with 2t more of batter. Sprinkle the12 chopped Reese’s cups on top of the cupcakes (half a cup per cake).

6. Bake for 22 to 26 minutes and then cool completely.

7. Meanwhile, cream together the butter, cocoa and PB for the frosting. Then, add the vanilla.

8. Gradually beat in the powdered sugar until combined.

9. Add 5T of milk and beat the frosting until light and creamy (about two minutes on med-high). Add in more milk if necessary.

10. Frost the cooled cupcakes and top with remaining chopped Reese’s cups.

These last three directions are optional but encouraged…

11. Shout peanut-butter filled obscenities about the deliciousness of these cupcakes.

12. Text your friends to let them know they are missing out.

13. Ask me if to run way to Reno with you.

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