Reese’s And Hershey’s Preparing To Launch Plant-Based Chocolates

Certified vegan and certifiably delicious, Reese’s and Hershey’s are introducing two new plant-based products: Plant-Based Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Plant-Based Hershey’s Almond and Sea Salt Bars.
Reese’s is expected to hit stores in March with Hershey’s dropping their new product soon after in April. This is big news to our plant-based friends in the US, seeing as most vegan-friendly options seems to debut across the pond in the UK before hitting our shelves, if they ever do. Upon hearing the news, popular vegan lifestyle blogger @vtaystylife was quoted saying: “No way! To America!? I usually get my hopes up and then it’s in the UK.”
Rejoice, my fellow Americans, and celebrate these new plant-based treats hitting shelves this month and next. I wonder if the Easter bunny is planning on delivering vegan treats this year?
Feature photo: @snackolator