Everyone Relax, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Aren’t Going Anywhere

You probably saw a disgusting story on your Facebook or Twitter feed that claimed Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were being discontinued by the end of 2017.

Hopefully you didn’t fall for it, but if you did, I’m here to calm your nerves and confirm that the story was written as a prank gone terribly wrong, or right, depending on how you look at it.

There is a prank site called Breaking News 365 that actually lets you create your own fake stories, and that’s where the Reese’s story originated. You can give your faux story a headline and photo to support it and make it sound legit. It’s basically a blog, but with a somewhat legit sounding url.

If you look at the picture below, you can see that it is really easy to create these fake stories:

The story included a false quote from an alleged press conference. They didn’t bother saying who conducted the so-called press conference, but not all satire sites can be at the caliber of Kayfabe news or the Onion.

You probably also saw it on a satire site called Action News 3, who could have been responsible for the other “report” as well, as it’s the exact same copy and pasted story.

Still, while it was clearly a joke, it didn’t stop people from freaking out over the false news:









While Reese’s didn’t feel the need to publicly address the fake story, it seems they did respond to a concerned Twitter user, who posted a photo of an interaction with the candy company:

Hopefully everyone can calm down now. Reese’s isn’t going anywhere, and we can still fill childrens’ bags with them this coming Halloween.

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