Real-Life Fat Pants Shrink & Expand to the Girth of Your Gut

Gluttony Pants

Fat pants. We’ve all got ’em. Whether yours come in the yoga variety or XXL sweatpants, all serve one universal purpose — to make serious feasting as painless as possible. But sometimes chowing down occasions call for more presentable clothing (like actual pants), which can be super uncomfortable when you’ve got a food baby brewing. Luckily, Betabrand’s Gluttony Pants are here to save the day.

These real-life fat pants are made for those who want to casually eat way too much food while maintaining a comfortable waistline situation. Basically, the trousers have three different buttons, each to expand or shrink (mostly expand) to fit the girth of our gut. The buttons even have charming names– Piglet, Sow and Boar, AKA normal, a little full and borderline gross.

Gluttony Pants

The best part? Betabrand’s creation takes the shame out of gluttony. Seriously, it’s impossible to remain on the Piglet button when things like bacon-wrapped mac & cheese meatloaf exists.

Gluttony Pants, $100 @Betabrand

H/T Incredible Things + PicThx Betabrand

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