Pregnant Woman and Husband Arrested for Eating Sandwich, Child Taken Away

I’m sure all of you have snuck in a grape or two at an Albertsons before. But if it’s anything bigger than that, then don’t forget to pay for it!

A Honolulu mother and her husband were arrested last week after eating a sandwich at a Safeway store and forgot to pay for it. The incident had sparked national debate as it led to the couple’s 2-year-old daughter being taken away by Child Welfare Services.

Nicole Leszczynski was charged with fourth-degree theft as well as her husband Marcin for forgetting to pay for the $5 sandwich. Safeway has dropped the charges since, and they have apologized to the couple stating they were just following shoplifting routine. The incident led to an 18-hour separation of the child and her parents.

According to Honolulu police, it is procedure to call Child Welfare Services when both parents of a child are arrested. The couple’s bail was $50 each, which they posted and reunited with their daughter.

The case has led to questioning: “Is it ok to eat something at a store before purchasing it?”

via: Las Vegas Review-Journal

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