Powerade Teams Up With The Maker of Otter Pops
90’s kids are sure to recognize Otter Pops as a nostalgic, cold treat that you would eat during hot summers to cool down. The company who makes them, Jel Sert, is still going strong, and just teamed up with Coca-Cola brand Powerade to make a more hydrating version of those frozen treats.
Called Powerade Sports Freezer Bars, this take on the Otter Pop is being targeted towards athletes and those looking to stay hydrated nationwide.
Each of the Powerade “Otter Pops” contains Powerade’s ION4 electrolyte solution, which is packed with minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Many of these are known to be lost during sweat, so having them in something you consume to stay hydrated helps recover those nutrients.
There’s also a few B Vitamins present in these frozen bars, including Vitamins B3, B6, and B12.
Jel Serts’ partnership with Powerade is now available in stores nationwide, and comes in recyclable packaging.