Pop-Tarts Dropping New Pretzel Flavors Nationwide

There might not be a food out there with more variations than Pop-Tarts. From flavors that prompt a sturdy “what the hell?” to ones that make you think “…that might actually work,” the people behind the famous toaster pastry keep the creative wheels moving.

Their newest flavors lean toward an innovative side of the spectrum, as they gear up to take their shot at sweet and salty with Pop-Tarts Pretzel.

The newest additions to the toaster pastry aisle sets themselves apart with a pretzel pastry crust that’s topped with a coarse salt.

In January 2020, they’ll be available in two flavors nationwide: Chocolate and Cinnamon Sugar. The former is topped with a drizzle of chocolate icing while the latter opts for an icing resembling that of a cinnamon roll. 

As someone who was always grossed out by the sickly sweet Pop-Tart variations, it’s promising to see the brand pivot into a different flavor profile. I might have to go cop a pack and give it a try in the only acceptable fashion: while watching cartoons on the floor, just like I would after school.

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