Pokéball Lunch Boxes for Japanese New Year
We’re quickly approaching the end of 2014, and for Japanese New Year (also celebrated on January 1), it is tradition for families and friends to partake in a meal called Osechi-ryōri. Usually there is enough food for days, and it is stored in little bento boxes.
This year Kenkosansai, a Japanese food distributor, decided to take it to the next level and created a Pokémon-inspired way to package Osechi. Rather than putting the food for the celebration in bento boxes, it is stored in Pokéball-shaped containers. You won’t find any Squirtles or Snorlaxes in the Pokéball, but the traditional Osechi meals are neatly stacked and ready to go when called upon.
The price for the 26-item meal is 14,580 yen, which is about $136 and is meant to last a few days. For the $136 meal, you’d better really love your family, and or Pokémon. At least you’ll get to use them as really cool lunch boxes after.
H/T Kotaku