Servers Zip-Line You Food At This Hanging Restaurant In Thailand

Thailand looks like a dope place to visit. Sure, my only frame of reference is The Hangover 2, and a crazy video my buddy put together after blowing his financial aid money on a vacation, but it still sounds amazing.

This Tree Pod Restaurant in Koh Kood, Thailand is one of the coolest restaurant concepts I’ve heard of, and definitely makes my food-loving heart want to take a trip to the Southeast Asian country even more.

TreePod dining in the Soneva Kiri Resort, is basically a booth and table that is elevated 35 feet into the air and lets you hang while you eat. Since this is no ordinary restaurant table, the staff serves you a little differently.

In order to get to your hanging table, the servers zip line themselves to take your order, bring you your food, and check to see how your meal is going.

Not to mention, the view is pretty killer up there:


If this is Thailand’s version of romantic dinners by the beach, count me the hell in.

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