Watch Astronauts Make Pizza In Outer Space For The Best Pizza Party Ever

As kids, Toy Story introduced us to Pizza Planet, an outer space-themed restaurant that made us wish we could someday enjoy pizza light-years away from our own little world. Well, astronauts took that dream and made it a reality this weekend, actually making and eating pizza in outer space.
It all started when Paolo Nispoli, an Italian astronaut aboard the International Space Station, decided the Expedition 53 crew needed to have a pizza party in space.
Quando hai davvero voglia di pizza… Basta menzionarlo casualmente al capo della @Space_Station durante un evento live 😉 Grazie Kirk per la sorpresa inaspettatamente deliziosa! #VITAmission
— Paolo Nespoli (@astro_paolo) December 2, 2017
Nespoli asked for the ingredients, and they were promptly sent to the space station.
The astronauts aboard got to work, making the pizzas Lunchables-style. Using Boboli crust, they spread pizza sauce over the top, then sprinkled on some sort of space-friendly cheese and what looked like salami slices.
Sure, they didn’t look like the most appetizing pizzas, but at least they looked fun as hell to make.
This isn’t the first pizza in space, though, because in 2001, Pizza Hut became the first to deliver a pizza to the ISS.
On this occasion, it was a little different, though, as the astronauts had the pleasure of enjoying something hand-made, on-board. It’s baby steps, but if we ever do start inhabiting the moon, or Mars, it’s nice to know pizza could join us there.