Pizza Hut Will Give You 3.14 Years Of Free Pizza If You Can Solve These Riddles

Pi day, a day made up by the advertising and marketing pioneers of the world, is basically a day dedicated to thinking up ways to commercialize absolutely nothing. This challenge clearly was a walk in the park for Pizza Hut.
Today and today only (March 14th, also known as “3.14”) Pizza Hut will be giving away $1,600 worth of Pizza Hut gift cards, or 3.14 years worth of free pizza, to every nerd and nerdette out there that has what it takes to solve a few math problems, all created and introduced by famed and prized mathematician John H. Conway. The questions and rules can be found here.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of assurance, however, because I’ve seen one of the questions, and it may as well have been in a different language. Still, only crazy people would say no to an opportunity to win free pizza.