Apparently, We Eat Most Of Our Pizza As A … Snack?

It’s National Pizza Day today! If you’re gonna celebrate (like I eventually will later), you’ll likely head out sometime later today and grab yourself a slice. Or two. Or a whole box. (No judgments here.)

Here’s a question I’d like to pose to you: What time of day do you go and get pizza most often? Is it a dinner option? Lunch? A snack? Do you pull out a cold slice from the fridge for breakfast?

Well, if you’re like most Americans, the USDA says you’re probably eating it as a snack.

This infographic showcases data from the last USDA study done on the consumption of pizza. According to their research, over HALF of all pizza is eaten as a snack. I’ve never eaten pizza outside of meal times, so to me, that seems a little crazy.

But hey, maybe I’m just an oddity in the stats.

After snacks, the most common meal/occasion that Americans eat pizza is during lunch, followed by dinner, then breakfast. Yes, us Americans love our breakfast pizzas and cold leftover slices in the morning. Deal with it.

Whenever you prefer to eat pizza, make sure to eat a slice or two to celebrate National Pizza Day. Could be a great idea for an office-wide snack.

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