Peeps-filled Cupcakes with Marshmallow Peeps Frosting

When most people say they are making “Peeps cupcakes,” they mean they are going to just make cupcakes, frost them and then stick a Peeps chick on top. Not my style. Immediately after my moment of self-reflection, I knew I needed to fit as many chicks and bunnies into my cupcakes as possible.

Yes, it is before Easter, and I have already purchased one too many packages of Peeps already. They’re cheap, and I love making things with them, sue me?

The following cupcakes are filled with Peeps and the frosting is made from Peeps. It. Is. True:

Peeps-filled Cupcakes with Marshmallow Peeps Frosting
(aka Peepcakes) 


  • 1 box cake mix (and necessary eggs, water and oil)
  • 2pkgs of bunny Peeps
  • 2pkgs of chick Peeps
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2c sugar
  • 2T water


  1. Chop up one package of bunnies and one package of chicks.
  2. Bake cupcakes as directed.
  3. Right when they get out of the oven, remove middles of cupcakes using some sort of fancy tool like this. Smush in a fistful of chopped Peeps and stick the cupcake top back on.
  4. Melt the other 2 packages of Peeps in the microwave and let cool slightly.
  5. Place the sugar, water, and egg whites in a medium size heavy saucepan. Cook over low heat, beating continuously with a hand mixer on high speed until soft peaks form, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the melted Peeps and beat the mixture with the mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form, 2 minutes more.
  6. Frost peepcakes immediately.

I thought about chopping up the Peeps and mixing them in the batter. Would have worked, and I would suggest trying it that way, if it wasn’t for this dang-blasted high altitude, so concessions had to be made, but the end result was still faboosh. Heads up, this is an eat-right-away type of cupcake. The frosting didn’t hold up too well after a while, so I would suggest making this a same day endeavor—or at least the frosting part. That being said, if you are looking for a fun, whimsical treat to make for Easter this weekend, these peepcakes are where it’s at.

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