Pa’Zing! Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Wings

You know the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention” by someone or other. It’s how the Cronut was invented, because croissants just aren’t round enough and normal donuts are f*cking boring. But what about those of us who prefer our genius a little greasier and a little more deep-fried? Folks, meet the Pa’Zing.

Created by Atlanta-based restaurant Calypso Wings, the internet’s favorite new finger food mash-up is chicken wings meets melted cheese and pepperoni pizza. According to Grub Street, Calypso uploaded photos of its still-under-development “signature product” earlier this week, after which Reddit got a hold of them and sent them mini-viral. Unfortunately, would-be Pa’Zingers will have to wait until Calypso opens its doors in late summer/early fall, but at least you can totally make a Peppicken Wing at home right now.


H/T Grub Street + PicThx Calypso

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